The seventh annual GeoJam will be hosted on Thursday, May 10, 2012 from 8am to 11:30am at Edison Middle School and from 6 to 8pm at Central High School. Registration for GeoJam at Central High School will open at 5:30pm in Seely Hall.

GeoJam is an exciting day of hands-on math games, puzzles, challenges, robotic and computer explorations, coloring competitions, Sudoku, and a free prize drawing. This event is hosted by the pre-service math educators from the University of Illinois and is meant for the whole family to get involved. Everyone is welcome, especially those who do not have enough opporunities to do mathematics for fun, or do not think that mathematics can be fun.

Students will form teams of 5 - 8 members to complete 5 different mathematical stations. Cheering sections, signs, and team t-shirts are encouraged but not required.

Students and other guests not participating in the GeoJam competition are encouraged to complete our SoloJam stations which explore numerous different and exciting mathematical puzzles and games.

Prizes will be awarded at the Central High School event for the team which receives the highest score from all GeoJam stations. Everyone attending GeoJam main event at Central High School will receive a raffle ticket that will be used to give away tons of great prizes at the end of the night. These prizes include dozens of gift certificates to local restaurants and businesses. Check out our sponsors page for a list of businesses contributing to this year's prizes.

Come and join the fun!